
Settings (optional)

Before running this application, you should configure some local settings:

  • SECRET_KEY: you need to generate a new one
  • DEBUG: default is True, which is not secured
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: the host you will use
  • DATABASES: the database you will use (default is an SQLite one)
  • PIWIK_URL: the URL of your Matomo instance
  • PIWIK_SITE_ID: the id of your scoreboard instance

Run it locally

On a virtualenv:

git clone
cd fretsboard
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ migrate
./ runserver

Run it on Heroku

Database used here: PostgreSQL In your console:

heroku login

heroku apps:create your-scoreboard
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql --app your-scoreboard

git remote set-url heroku
git push heroku master

heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=`openssl rand -base64 32`
heroku run python migrate
heroku open